
Students’ Section

  1. SWAYAM Online Learning Courses 
  2. UG/PG MOOCs 
  3. e-PG Pathshala 
  4. e- content courseware in UG subjects
  6. CEC-UGC YouTube Channel
  7. National Digital Library 
  8. Shodhganga 
  9. e-ShodhSindu
  10. Vidwan 
  11. Vidya Mitra portal 
  1. Android 
  2. iOS 

Lockdown Practice Assignment

Looking at the COVID19 Outbreak, students should make us of the following e-resources

In addition to above following can be made available w.r.t Covid-19 outbreak

Computer Awareness Quiz 2019 – 20

Computer Awareness Quiz 2019-20 (for B2,B3,B5 and B7 batches):  Click here

Computer Awareness Quiz 2019-20 B.Sc. Semester – II (CS) (for B1 and B4 batches) : Click here

Student’s Achievement

Mr. Ashwin Deotare (UG student and Inspire fellow) receiving Gowardhandas Rawell prize in 105th Convocation of RTMNU

IIT-JAM Entrance Examination Qualified Students