Centre for Women Studies and Services (CWSS)
About CWSS:
The Centre for Women Studies and Services (CWSS) was established in the college in the academic year 2001-02. The students of Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) programmes (girls and boys) are enrolled in CWSS activities every year. The Centre for Women Studies and Services (CWSS) of Bajaj College of Science, Wardha promotes gender equality and active participation of women in all aspects through education. Women empowerment is essential for the social development of women, families, communities, and countries. Women empowerment also ensures balanced development and sustainable society which is essential for the economic prosperity of the nation.
The CWSS of the institute ensures equal opportunities for girls and boys in all the curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The centre focuses on the socio-economic, cultural, and political conditions of women in the society and creates awareness about the different socio-economic issues related to women. Simple coping strategies are adopted by sensitizing, providing training, awareness programs and counselling. Various extension programs are conducted by the CWSS for the women to create awareness and propagate the knowledge about women issues and women empowerment.
Women and legislative measures, social stereotypes and historical analysis of women, women and democracy, gender issues, gender relations in current society, women empowerment, men-women equality, dowry system in marriages, superstitions pertaining to women, contribution of youth in developing India, small scale industries related with agriculture, pollution, protection and preservation of environment and water, the problems of senior citizens and the remedies to solve it, Education: The challenges and remedies, etc. are some of the issues discussed with the students. The students enrolled in CWSS select any two topics and study thoroughly throughout the year to prepare the projects. The projects are evaluated, and incentive marks are given on successful completion and submission of the projects.
- To promote gender equity and gender sensitization among students in the field of knowledge.
- To understand gender discrimination in various aspects of day-to-day life of individuals and create awareness.
- To give exposure to women’s life, their experiences, and struggles.
- To give a platform to discuss women related issues and work together towards women empowerment.
- To create a holistic environment where individuals can explore and embrace their gender identity.
- To organize various activities like Guest lectures, counselling of girl students regarding menstrual hygiene, sexual and mental harassment, safety measures, financial independence, career development, self-defence training, etc.
Students Enrolled:
B.Sc. First year and M. Sc. First year Students (both girls and boys)
Role of CWSS:
Every year, students of B. Sc. First year and M. Sc. First year (both girls and boys) are enrolled in the Centre for Women Studies and Services (CWSS). The aims and objectives of CWSS activities at the college level is noble since it strives to creates awareness among all undergraduate and post graduate students of science background about the various social issues. It gives an excellent opportunity to the students to get acquainted with various social issues and problems with special focus on issues related to gender sensitization and gender equity. This centre emphasises on the study of different social problems specifically related to women. Women empowerment, Men-Women equality, Dowery system in marriages, Child labour, Gender Biases Based in Superstitions, Customs and Traditions, Contribution of youths in developing India, Small scale industries related with agriculture; pollution, protection and preservation of environment and water, the problems of senior citizens and the remedies to solve it, Education: The challenges and remedies, contribution of youth in the field of sports, etc. The CWSS also endeavours to provide counselling and mentoring to the students about career awareness and career guidance that will help to build their over personality.
Details of Some Activities:
- The CWSS and Discipline and Code of Conduct Committee jointly organized Orientation Program for B.Sc. and M.Sc. First year students on 1st October 2022 to make them aware of students’ code of conduct and various other college committees like Discipline & Code of Conduct Committee, Women’s Cell, Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Sexual Harassment Committee (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal), Grievance Redressal & Anti-ragging Committee.
- A Debate Competition was organized to celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th March 2022 for under-graduate and post-graduate students by the Centre for Women Studies and Services (CWSS), Bajaj College of Science, Wardha.
- Online Guest Lecture on “Human Values and Professional Ethics” wasorganized for under-graduate and post-graduate students on Friday, 6th May 2022 by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Centre for Women Studies and Services (CWSS), Bajaj College of Science, Wardha.
- A motivational talk on “Women Empowerment: Legal aspects” by Adv. Padma Chandekar was organized to celebrate International Women’s Day on 10th March 2021 by the Center for Women Studies and Services (CWSS) and Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Bajaj College of Science, Wardha.
- Online Seminar competition on the topic “Women who inspired me the most” was organized on 13th March 2021 by the Center for Women Studies and Services (CWSS) and Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Bajaj College of Science, Wardha.
- The CWSS students voluntarily participated and donated blood in Blood Donation Camp. Students’ haemoglobin was also checked. This programme was organized by Alumni Association of JB and Rotary club, Gandhi City, Wardha on 22nd September 2018 at J. B. College of Science, Wardha.
- The CWSS students arranged a programme on Self-Defence on 5th January 2019. In this programme PSI, Wardha Station, Ms. Meghali Gawande from Damini Pathak, addressed the students on different issues related with women safety. She stated different remedies and guided the students regarding the safety of women.
- The Centre for Women Studies and Services, J.B. College of Science, Wardha celebrated International Women’s Day on 8th March 2018. Ad. Dr.Kshipra Singam, Dept. of Law, Yashwant Mahavidyalaya, Wardha stated different laws for women related with sexual harassment at workplace and did the counselling of more than 100 girl students of UG and PG as well as extension activities.
- Dr. Manisha Ithape-Jadhav from Viveki Jan Samruddhi Subodhini, Amravati, exclusively for the girl students of the college guided them on the topic “Laigik v mansikaarogya ani suraksha” on 15th Sept. 2017.
Event Gallery
Orientation Program for B.Sc. and M.Sc. First year students jointly organized by CWSS and Discipline and Code of Conduct Committee on 1st October 2022.
Debate Competition to celebrate International Women’s Day organized by CWSS on 8th March 2022.

Online Guest Lecture on “Human Values and Professional Ethics” organized by IQAC and CWSS on 6th May 2022
Online Seminar competition on the topic “Women who inspired me the most” organized by CWSS to celebrate International Women’s Day on 13th March 2021

Blood Hemoglobin checking camp at Bajaj College of Science, Wardha on 22nd September 2019.

Self Defence Talk and Hands-on Training Workshop organized by 3 MAH GIRLS BN NCC, NAGPUR (Unit of Bajaj College of Science, Wardha) on 20th January 2020 in association with Swamsiddha NGO, Wardha.
Training to ‘Women’s Savings Group’ about how to fabricate and assemble a LED Bulb for gram Akoli, Ta: Seloo, Dist: Wardha by NSS Unit on 11th Jan 2018.

Hemoglobin Checkup and Blood Donation Camp organized by CWSS on 22nd September 2018.

Self-defence Programme and Guidance Session by PSI, Wardha Station, Ms. Meghali Gawande from Damini Pathak about issues related with women safety organized by CWSS on 5th January 2019.

International Women’s Day celebration on 8th March 2018 and guidance session by Ad. Dr. Kshipra Singam, Dept. of Law, Yashwant Mahavidyalaya, Wardha about different laws for women related with sexual harassment at workplace organized by CWSS.
Women Empowerment program on the topic “Laigik v mansikaarogya ani suraksha” organized by CWSS on 15 Sept. 2017.