
Requisition Forms

  • Users may opt for the consultancy services for the analysis of the samples for the following instruments:

    S.N. Instrument Make/Model Per Sample Testing *(Rs.) Requisition Forms
    1 X-ray powder diffraction Rigaku’s Miniflex 600 300Click Here
    2 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Bruker (ATR Mode) 150 Click Here
    3 UV-vis. Spectroscopy Shimadzu’s UV 1800 150 Click Here
    4 Gas Chromatography Shimadzu’s GC-2014C AFsc 500
    5 HPLC Shimadzu’s P-Series 1500
    6 CHNS Analyzer Unicube plus 500Click Here
    7 PCR Biorad 500 Click Here

    *Report writing for a particular run can be provided on request with extra charges. Charges will vary as per the requirement for sample testing and analysis. One may contact in person for further information.